Laser Hair Removal Contraindications

Laser Hair Removal Contraindications

Laser hair removal contraindications is one thing you must consider before taking the diode laser hair removal treatment. So let’s talk about what we should note before the laser hair treatment.


Many medications come with side-effects, including those that will make your skin more photosensitive. This means that your skin might react more negatively to change – such as laser hair removal.
If this is the case, you might want to think of ways to get around the issue. For example, taking a break from the problematic medication may be an option or switching to an alternative treatment. Having a discussion with your GP will help determine the right course of action for your needs.

Sun tan

The sun will cause your skin to create more melanin, which is there to protect your skin from damage. However, this can cause your skin colour to become patchy and uneven, which isn’t the best start for laser hair removal.
As a result, your consultant will have to change lasers depending on the condition of your skin at the time of your treatment. This can make it difficult to maintain uniform hair removal and may affect the quality of the results.
In the event of an active or severe sunburn, the procedure cannot go ahead. You’ll be expected to allow the skin to fully heal before returning for your treatment. You should always be given guidance on sun rules with a consultation.


Laser hair removal is not recommended although there’s no evidence to suggest that laser hair removal isn’t safe for your unborn baby. It’s advisable that you wait until after you’ve had your child before considering the procedure.


Laser hair removal should generally be avoided while breastfeeding. Your hormones will likely cause changes to hair growth, meaning the procedure might not be as effective as you would have liked.
Instead, wait until you have finished breastfeeding before starting laser hair removal. This will give your body chance to return to normal and ensure the effects are as good as they can be.
Depilatory creams
Depilatory creams work by dissolving the hair in a chemical substance. This is achieved using keratinocytes, which will not only kill keratin in the hair, but also in the skin.
However this act’s as a great alternative to use in between laser treatments so that the hairs are still available for treatment. Your consultant will advise you individually.

Medical conditions

There are some health conditions that are widely considered to be contraindications to laser hair removal. Among them are:
Bleeding disorders
Severe reactions to histamines
Previous surgery such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing
If you suffer from any of these conditions, you may not be suitable for treatment. Your laser practitioner will advise the best course of action in a consultation


Areas of the skin where there is a tattoo should be avoided during laser hair removal. This is to minimise skin irritation, as well as any potential aesthetic changes to your tattoo.
Lesions, open wounds
Laser hair removal can be especially painful in areas of the body where there are lesions or open wounds. It’s therefore a good idea to postpone the procedure until they’ve fully healed.
The beams can potentially slow down the healing process and lead to additional discomfort. Many consultants will refuse to carry out laser hair removal until the lesions have disappeared.


If you have a mole, you can still undergo laser hair removal. The beams used aren’t on the UV spectrum, so there is so far no evidence to suggest they can change a mole and make it cancerous.
However, it is important to keep an eye on any visual alterations that may occur. If you do see anything suspicious, make sure you inform your GP of the treatment and have it checked as soon as possible.



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