Diode Laser VS IPL, which manner is better for hair removal?

Diode Laser VS IPL, which manner is better for hair removal?

Diode Laser vs IPL: IPL is short for Intense Pulsed Light. It is a technology which is used for permanent hair removal, skin rejuvenation and pigmentation removal. For the uninitiated, IPL is not laser but they are actually very different technologies. Lasers are far more precise and can selectively target dark, coarse hair while leaving the surrounding areas Laser technology is simply much more effective.

IPL uses an extremely bright light source that is fired through a series of light filters to produce a band of light wavelengths.
Each laser, produces only a very specific single wavelength of light rather than a band of wavelengths. Unlike IPL, as each laser produces only one wavelength, multiple lasers are required for the treatment of different skin problems. For example, a specific laser may be used for the treatment of hair, pigment, capillaries, tattoos etc. Each laser is much more specific in the treatment of a particular skin problem than IPL.  IPL may therefore be more likely than laser to affect normal skin as well as the intended target and to skin damage and complications.

The working theory is similar

However true lasers and IPL all essentially work the same way...That is, a highly concentrated energy in the form of light passes through the skin and is converted to heat by the pigmentation in the hair follicles, much like sunlight warming a dark wall. The heat is sufficient to destroy the follicle.
Laser hair removal/IPL technology has been proven to be so effective that international medical authorities have approved some manufacturers to sell and promote machines for permanent hair reduction.

 So why do some clinics have IPL rather than laser?

 One of the main reasons for this is to save on costs. A single IPL machine can treat a number of skin conditions, including excess hair, pigmentation, and capillaries, but does not treat them as well as a dedicated laser for the job, like our Diode 808nm Laser for hair removal. Multiple lasers will cost a lot more than a single IPL machine. It means choosing an IPL machine could help you to save cost but hair removal result is not as good as lasers.

Diode laser VS IPL



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