Who cannot do IPL hair removal treatment?

4 kinds of person which could not do IPL treatment

Facts show that skin darkness can be IPL laser hair removal, can not hair removal of the following four categories: skin damage or skin tumors, is taking oral photosensitive drugs, pregnant women, just after exposure to the sun. Need to remind is that IPL laser hair removal must choose professional regular hospitals, do not covet cheap to go to those small studios.

Summer is approaching, many hairdressing advertisements can be received in beauty hospitals all over the street. What kind of laser hair removal, freezing point hair removal, although laser hair removal is a popular way, but some people are not applicable. In addition, we should pay attention to the fact that there are many hair removal institutions. If we choose irregular institutions to operate improperly, it is likely to cause skin damage. Therefore, hair removal must go to a professional hospital. Some of the visitors have dark skin, so can the skin be depilated by laser? Inventory of four categories of people who can not be depilated by laser.

Can the skin be depilated by laser? Laser depilation is not affected by skin color. If the skin is black, it can be normal to accept laser depilation without exposure to sunlight. There are four categories of people who can't depilate.

1.    Skin damage or skin tumors:
skin itself is damaged, if the energy control is not good during laser hair removal, skin burns will occur.

2.    Taking photosensitive drugs orally:
People taking photosensitive drugs can not undergo laser hair removal, which will cause some harm to the body.

3.    Pregnant women: For pregnant women, when they are pregnant, the secretion of body hormones is much larger than usual. It is difficult to control the energy of laser hair removal. Therefore, laser hair removal is not recommended for pregnant women. It should be reminded that some pregnant women use depilation agent depilation because depilation agent is chemical products, it is likely to affect the health of the fetus, so pregnant women can not use laser depilation.

4.    just exposed to the sun: If the skin pigments are deep after exposure, skin burns are easy to occur in laser treatment. Therefore, it is suggested that laser hair removal should not occur after exposure.

Above is the introduction of laser hair removal for skin darkness. Do you understand that laser hair removal is possible if the normal black skin is not exposed to sunlight, but you must choose a professional and regular hospital. Now hair removal is basically painless. Some people feel very painful after doing it. In fact, everyone has different tolerance to pain, so they feel different. If you want to know more about laser hair removal, you can go to the local hospital for detailed consultation.



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